Papua New Guinea, Lost in Time.

McDonalds Corner marks the start of the Kokoda Trail, where fierce fighting Australian troops defeated the determined Japanese invaders during WWII. Over 216,000 Japanese, Australian & US soldiers, sailors and airmen died in New Guinea battles.
Papua New Guinea is one of the least explored countries in the World. There are 841 different languages and almost as many traditional societies and clans that make up the 6.3 million population. The majority live a life of sustainable agriculture in village societies, only a small percentage live in an urban environment. However, due to its mining and resource sectors it is the 6th fastest growing economy in the World.
Mt Hagen Sing-Sing
Annual Tribal gathering
In the highlands of Papua- New Guinea tribal disputes over land, women and pigs were usually resolved in battle. In the early 1960's the Colonial Administration started the Sing - Sing where tribes would meet on common ground and show off their war paint and finery and stage mock battles where the victor won a pig rather than the head of the loser. Sixty years on rewards and reputation are still challenged each August.
WWII Relics
WWII, downed aircraft, rusting tanks, gun placements and half-sunken ships.These images were taken in the late 1960's around Rabaul and Port Moresby. Scattered in the jungles, plantations and ocean around Papua New Guinea are the relics of the fierce battles of WWII.

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